Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who is that in the Mirror???

Have you ever been shopping or been somewhere and you catch a glance of someone in the mirror that you think...”oh my!...poor thing.. glad I dont look like that" and then you realize that the person that you caught the glimpse of was you!!! Well that has happened to me! It was like a rude awakening to myself when I realized that the person I had become physically didnt match up to the person that I feel that I am... at all!!
I can remember being young and skinny and thinking that people who got to be overweight were crazy for not losing a few pounds when they realized that they had put them on and thinking that I would NEVER let myself look like that! Well..... guess what?? It happened!

Over the past 13 years of becoming a mom and going through all of those changes I knew that my body would never be the same.... but come on... I have got to be able to do better than this!! I mean.... this is what I preach to people: Health and Nutrition and I offer solutions that we can do to stay healthy such as Juice Plus.  Which is a wonderful product and job that I am very proud of, but recently had the revelation that I am talking the talk but not walking the walk at all! Yes... I take my Juice Plus, but I need to be a better example to everyone around me..... Especially my kids!

So to be honest this is NOT the first time that I have noticed that I am overweight!! I notice this on a regular basis and think ..."I am going to do something about this!" I am going to start on a diet! So then comes the hard part.... what diet am I going to try to do? Then I decide that I will wait and start on "Monday" to give me the best start! So I eat the entire time of waiting til Monday like each meal may be the last one that I may ever get! Then I start on the diet on Monday and do really well! Tuesday comes and I do really well again!! Wednesday comes and a friend calls and asks if I can go to lunch and I contemplate it and then say sure (because its not everyday your friend invites you to lunch) and I think that I will just eat healthy while I am there! Then we sit down at the table and I argue with myself that this may be a good day to treat myself and I will do better the rest of the week... so I order whatever I want! Then Thursday comes and I think...wow, I didnt do very well yesterday and its almost the weekend.... so you know what... I am just going to eat whatever I want again today and I can start this next week! Sometimes I try it again on Monday and sometimes I just wait a few more weeks and be sure that I eat plenty of good meals inbetween... just incase that I do start on Monday!  

Can you believe that??? Even as I write it I think what is wrong with this person??!!!
I have contemplated doing many of the fad diets  and other ways to lose weight out there ..... and not that there is something wrong with all of them, but for me, I really want to be able to say that I had enough to do it without pills, shots, surgery, etc....(but if this doesnt work... I may change my mind! haha)  
 Maybe some of you have never had these kinds of thoughts and have never dealt with a weight issue, but let me assure you that food is a horrible thing to have an addiction to and that I am ready to shed these pounds once and for all!!! So....I am going to start blogging about my progress and what I am thinking and feeling as I start my journey to a healthier me!!! I am going to try to be very transparent so that others may learn and benefit from my journey! I believe that I CAN and WILL look better and be healthier in my 30's than I did in my 20's! I will also have a better self image of myself! I know who I am on the inside and I know that is the main thing that matters.... but I want my physical image to reflect the person that I am! So... more will be to come and if you want to start this journey with me.... message me at jillwagner44@hotmail.com or on Facebook!!   I would love to have more people involved so that we can support each other!