Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Learning to Discipline my Disappointment

It has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged about my weight loss journey... and that has been for a couple of reasons: I have been very busy and out of town for some of that time and because with gaining some weight back that I had lost last week... I wasnt very proud of myself and wasnt feeling quite like putting it out there to everyone! BUT..... I have been thinking about this and I am trying to be very transparent so that I can help more people with their journey also and  having to post the bad with the good is part of that! So, here it is.... I gained back 2 pounds a couple weeks ago and this week gained back 1.5 pounds :(
The positive side of this is that normally I would have given up completely already and sabotaged myself to the point of no return with eating so much and convincing myself that maybe this wasn't a good idea afterall and that its not worth it to be a healthy weight! (see I am really screwed up sometimes! )
BUT.... I do know that it is totally worth it to get these pounds off and to be that example of who I want to be! So I am going to have to figure out another way to be accountable and stay on track! I have had a couple people ask me about doing this weight loss journey along with me and I am thinking that this is the key! What if whoever wants to be a part of this can let me know and we could still weigh in the privacy of our own homes, but one time a week get on a conference line and record our progress together and talk about our successes, concerns and maybe even great recipes, etc......  If you are interested... please inbox me and let me know if you have any other ideas!
People who are overweight are around 70% more likely to develop any health condition than someone who is at the recommended weight! I can do this and will do this... but it's definitely going to be a journey! Thank you to everyone for your support and please let me know if you have any other suggestions for me!
Take care of your body, its the only place you have to live!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My first week of weightloss!!

My first week of my healthy journey is done!! I am 5 1/2 pounds lighter!! Dont know if that will be the hardest week or not.... but I managed to get through it! I definitely had some challenges to overcome as this was a very stressful work week for me without trying to eat right!  I am NEVER hungry in the mornings and the day after I said I was going to start this diet, I woke up to my stomach growling!!! I'm sure it was all in my mind so I tried to ignore it and go on about my day.  I was hungry most of this first day but got to eat plenty of good food and by the second day my stomach wasnt growling near as much!!!
I noticed that I am a very emotional eater.  After a long day at work on Wednesday I wanted nothing more that to go thru a drive thru and pig out on something bad for me!!!(Hamburger and fries is what I had in mind!)  But since I was prepared, I managed to get myself and the kids home and make the dinner that I had planned! Preparation is a huge factor in losing weight! If my refrigerator is stocked with fruits and veggies and things that I can cook then I am way less likely to go grab something from a fast food place! I have also found that it is very hard to eat healthy when you go to a fast food place, unless its Subway, and find something that I can eat that will fill me up...... so its better for me to cook at home! My family did eat Hunt's in front of me one day and that was hard.... but I decided to get something better than that option for myself and just got a grilled chicken salad from El Tapatio.... so I didnt feel like I was being mistreated!
I normally have the mind set that I need something big for dinner, like a meal and then dessert....  but actually this week I even had some smoothies with just fruit, ice, water, and JP+ complete in it instead of dinner and I was completely satisfied! I know that most of losing weight is a mind set for me!
I tried to eat the best I could on the diet that I am trying to follow..... but one night got very hungry for something sweet! I normally would have whipped up a batch of cookies and eaten a bunch of the dough and then some cookies when they came out of the oven.... but instead, I made a recipe of chocolate JP+ complete, oats, honey, and peanut butter and mixed it all together and rolled it into balls.  They tasted like a no-bake cookie.... but they were much healthier! So even though I cheated a little bit, I still managed to eat something better for me than I would have a week ago! And the kids loved them too!!!
The exercise part I pretty well failed in this past week.... but planning to do better this week!!
I am finding that there are many great recipes out there and I am trying to follow a certain diet..... but modifying it where I can make it last for myself and my family is the main key! I dont want this to be a diet that I am on..... but a lifestyle change!