Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Better Choices

Well week one has been a success! Down 6 pounds this week! Its definitely a good start to a long journey! Of course, I know that the hard part is yet to come! The first couple weeks should be the easiest.  From here on out I am looking to lose 2 pounds a week. 
I have had some challenges so far, but have held pretty strong.  I am just focusing on making better decisions than I did before.  For instance yesterday.... I had to take my Granny to her doctor appointments and normally I would have made that an excuse for not working out, but managed to get to the gym for 20 minutes of elliptical before getting ready to go.  Then we ate at Red Lobster for lunch and normally I could eat like 4-5 of those cheddar bay bisquits!!! But, I only had 2 and had flounder so I kept within my range.  Then we had my brother's birthday party at Applebees and I made better choices than normal there too! Still had some fries and then a couple bites of the kids cake they ordered.  (The Triple Chocolate Meltdown..... OMG.... that may be the best dessert I have ever tasted and I wanted to lick the plate clean but luckily Brian and Kate were good enough to talk me down and give the plate to the waitress!! haha)  So..... they were for sure better choices than I would have made 2 weeks ago and I still stayed within my calorie range for the day! So I considered it a success! I also looked up what I normally would have had on a day like that...... around 1500 calories at each setting!! No wonder I have this extra weight!! :)
Looking forward to this week and whats to come in the future! I know that when I am getting up and exercising and when I am eating better, everything feels better! I have more energy to get the things done that I need to in order to keep my life in good balance!

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."   Buddha

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Beginnings

Well as I look back at my Blog I noticed that I have not blogged since March 2012.  After reading my blog, I felt like I was on track with my weight at that point and making progress.  Then at the end of March we had a very close friend pass away and the stress and worry of everything overtook every aspect of my life! Its been almost 9 months since I have blogged and I have not done anything beneficial for my body in 9 months besides take my Juice Plus everyday and exercise here and there! I am very thankful for that because without that I know that my health would not be near as good!
So... here I come forward again, putting myself out there that I want to be healthier! And with that said.... I mean at a healthier weight as well.  The reason that I am blogging is because I think maybe through my journey I can help someone else along the way and maybe people can help me stay accountable as well!
I am thankful for "new beginnings" and I know that you can restart and get back on track at any time, but a new year is just exciting! I look forward to setting new goals and reaching them for our family!
So my goal physically is to lose 2 pounds a week ! I will be checking back in weekly! And if anyone wants to participate in this as well..... please contact me and we can help each other! My email is  I will be putting back on my BodyMedia armband and counting the calories taken in and burned everyday. I am also going to get some kind of exercise 5 days a week! Even if its only a short walk some days, it will be better than nothing at all!
Also.... I know that when my life is balanced I will succeed more at everything.  So I am focusing on mentally and spiritually as well.  I am looking over finances and making sure we have a new budget for 2013 and following Dave Ramseys guidelines.  (love that book!) Also.... going to be reading books for personal development and put away 50 shades of Grey and the Twilight series for awhile. :)  Also going to focus on getting into some kind of devotion everyday! I know that if I can place my priorities right.... my life will be much easier with balance!

"Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance."   Brian Tracy
"All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose." Brian Tracy