Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What's going on Between your Ears??

Down 1.5 pounds this week for a total of 10 pounds in 4 weeks!! Very happy with the progress that I am making! The gym is becoming a habit and I dont even think about it anymore.  It used to be a question in my head at night or in the morning.... I would try to figure out if I really had time for it and just make excuse after excuse..... but now its just part of the routine! I know that I have to get to the gym and do something for at least 30 minutes to meet my daily goals! So much of losing weight or reaching any goal is what goes on between your ears!! Am I telling myself its going to be a great day at the gym or am I looking for an excuse not to go??
I am also taking my weigh in day on Tuesdays and making it like my "cheat" day.  I am allowing myself to eat something that I normally wouldnt have throughout the week... so I feel like I am being rewarded every Tuesday for the progress!
I did slack a little this week on recording every thing that went into my mouth!! So this week I will do better on that!!

"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. " Buddha

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are you involved or Committed?

I weighed in this morning and I am down another 3.5 pounds for this week! Feeling really great about that today! As I am reflecting on the past 3 weeks of starting this healthy change for myself I am trying to pay close attention to things in the past that have stopped me after losing weight for a few weeks in a row.  I was talking to a friend yesterday and realized that never in my life have a REALLY lost weight.  I would lose a couple pounds here and there for a couple weeks but then I would give up for some reason or another and then put on all of the weight I had lost plus some back on. I was involved at that point but not really committed to the process.   
I can remember wondering in the past when I wasnt overweight how people let theirselves get to that point of being obese.  I had thought that if it was me that I would notice when I put on 5 extra pounds and then really work to get those off.  Well as I got older.... I realized that it wasnt that easy! I have tried to look at when I really started to gain weight and blamed pregnancies in the past for some of it, but as I look back I  lost all my weight after I had Brandon.  After I had Brent I lost most of my weight, but hung on to a few pounds there and then after I had Aliyah I hung on to some more weight there, but the majority of my weight gained has been in the past 7 years since she has been born! That is pretty sickening to me to know that I dont have anything to "blame" it on but myself!
 I am really focused on not letting that happen this time and remembering that the prize of better health along this journey is totally worth it! I am committed to working hard toward my goal!!
I try to keep myself motivated in my weight loss goal and in other areas of my life by reading personal growth books and love looking at motivational quotes! So when I post those.... its for my own encouragement and just so maybe someone else can get something out of it too!!

Here is one I read this morning:  "The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs.  The Chicken is involved; the pig is committed!"  Martina Navratilova

Thanks for all the encouragement from you all that are following my blog to this point!! I am committed to overcome this weight loss battle!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Making my kids my Reason instead of my Excuse!

Well I dont have any great numbers to post this week, but anything is good as long as its in the right direction! I lost half a pound this week and most weeks I would be disappointed with that number.... but this week I am just happy to see a loss!
Weekends are always my hardest time because I dont have my normal routine and having the kids home all day, etc... Well with having 2 snow days then the weekend and then MLK day, it was like a 5 day weekend for us! So challenging to say the least!
I did still bake and cook like I do on snow days and love that part of it.... so I know that influenced my lack of weight loss this week, but looking on the positive side of things, I still exercised all of those days but 1 which is a change for me.... because normally I would have used my kids being home as my excuse not to work out!
I have learned with my Juice Plus Franchise to make my kids my REASON instead of my EXCUSE for doing things differently than others may..... and the same thing goes for this! I want to be healthy for my kids! I want to be a good example of how to live and health is a part of that! I also want my kids to see that its ok to set goals and even if they arent reached for the time that you set them.... that its ok! You can always reset your goals but the main thing is setting them in the first place!
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." Earl Nightingale

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making Progress!

Well it has been 1 week since I started with my new healthy lifestyle change and weighed in this morning and have lost 4.5 pounds! Very exciting to see some progress! My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week so any extra on that is a bonus!
I have been wearing my Body Media Armband and loving it! It has been an eye opener for me because I thought I was more active than what I really am! I have to make a conscious effort everyday to exercise and then just do little things throughout the day that will burn more calories! It monitors my calories burned and calories taken in, how many steps I take each day, how much I sleep and how much vigorous and moderate activity I have each day! Its great just to be able to check it all throughout the day and see how my progress is.  I know that I have to burn 1000 more calories than I take in each day to lose 2 lbs per week.... so If I havent met my burn.... I have to get up and do something!! :) (message me if you want to know more about it... I would recommend it to anyone and I think Jared Lane at Fitness Fuel can get them for you! )
I am in a totally different frame of mind with weightloss this time than ever before! I dont feel like I have deprived myself at all....just figured out that I can still eat things that I enjoy.... I just have to decide if its worth working to burn some more calories for!
So....I am counting week one as a success and looking forward to seeing how this week goes! Will blog weekly and keep everyone updated and keep me accountable!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Beginnings!!

Well it is January 3rd and 2 days before my 31st birthday! It is time to think about the past year and the goals I set and the goals that I met for 2011.  I had many accomplishments with my Juice Plus Franchise and with my family and friends I had an absolutely wonderful year!! I am very blessed for what God has given me and look forward to 2012 and what it brings! I know that I am going to have to work hard and I am willing to do that in order to meet my goals for 2012!
As I look back at the past year..... there is one place for sure that sticks out that I did not accomplish what I thought that I would ..... and that would be in the category of .... you know it......WEIGHT LOSS!!! This is something that haunts me over and over every year as a New Years Resolution! Thank God for "New Beginnings"  For 2012 I am setting the goal for myself to be healthier! And I know for me that includes losing some weight! So I am going to need some help from my family and friends to help me accomplish this!! I had talked about doing an accountablility call weekly on a free conference line and just share what is working and not working for anyone who has also made this decision to get healthier! Or any other ideas will be appreciated! I will be blogging again every week for accountablity also! Let me know if you want to be a part of that!
So I know that making changes starts with a decision and I have already done that! The next step would be to decide how I am going to do it! I asked for a BodyMedia Armband for Christmas and received one and just got it set up today! It is something that I will be wearing everyday that will record the number of calories that I burn and how many I take in! (similiar to what they wear on the Biggest Loser) After playing around with it today.... I am VERY excited to start this journey! It will also share my progress with the App that goes with it on FaceBook! I put in all of my goals today and it said that with following the program, I should be at my goal weight by the middle of October! 10 Months!!! I can do this!
I know that with any goal you also have to tie into it the reason you are doing it! So here goes....

1.Overall better health!!
2. Not embarrassed of how I look.
3. Just to Feel better!
4. Do more things! From Just playing with the kids to skydiving!
5. Walk the walk... not just talk the talk with my JP+ Franchise
6. Reduce my risk of all diseases!!
7. Be here for my kids! Never want my kids to go through losing a parent at a young age like I experienced.
8. Taking part in triathalons and 5k's again!
9. So I can go shopping and enjoy it again!
10. Being nutritionally and physically fit!!

Ok....so there it is! Next week I will share my progress for this week! Please let me know if you want to be accountablity partners in my journey!