Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are you involved or Committed?

I weighed in this morning and I am down another 3.5 pounds for this week! Feeling really great about that today! As I am reflecting on the past 3 weeks of starting this healthy change for myself I am trying to pay close attention to things in the past that have stopped me after losing weight for a few weeks in a row.  I was talking to a friend yesterday and realized that never in my life have a REALLY lost weight.  I would lose a couple pounds here and there for a couple weeks but then I would give up for some reason or another and then put on all of the weight I had lost plus some back on. I was involved at that point but not really committed to the process.   
I can remember wondering in the past when I wasnt overweight how people let theirselves get to that point of being obese.  I had thought that if it was me that I would notice when I put on 5 extra pounds and then really work to get those off.  Well as I got older.... I realized that it wasnt that easy! I have tried to look at when I really started to gain weight and blamed pregnancies in the past for some of it, but as I look back I  lost all my weight after I had Brandon.  After I had Brent I lost most of my weight, but hung on to a few pounds there and then after I had Aliyah I hung on to some more weight there, but the majority of my weight gained has been in the past 7 years since she has been born! That is pretty sickening to me to know that I dont have anything to "blame" it on but myself!
 I am really focused on not letting that happen this time and remembering that the prize of better health along this journey is totally worth it! I am committed to working hard toward my goal!!
I try to keep myself motivated in my weight loss goal and in other areas of my life by reading personal growth books and love looking at motivational quotes! So when I post those.... its for my own encouragement and just so maybe someone else can get something out of it too!!

Here is one I read this morning:  "The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs.  The Chicken is involved; the pig is committed!"  Martina Navratilova

Thanks for all the encouragement from you all that are following my blog to this point!! I am committed to overcome this weight loss battle!!

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